My last day in New York City!!!!

By 11:41 PM

Welcome back again my lovely viewers This is my last day in New York city!!

 Last week I already published My New York (PART1)(PART2),(PART3)(PART4)(PART5),(PART6),(PART7) including landmarks, why New York is called the Big Apple and the basic information about The New York City Subway and MTA Metrocard , USD currency and desserts in NYC.  Therefore, this journey is going to end soon. This post will be the last part of New York. I hope you will enjoy along this journey with me:)

So, this post is going to be the last day in the Big Apple of this memorable journey!!!

It's New York city that place that never sleep!!!

Don't forget to fasten your seatbelt, the plane is landing soon:))))))))))


My last day in New York city of this trip is on 2 August 2016, that day my class at Hunter college already ended. But, when I woke up I ask myself that what do you want to do on the last day here? :D
So, my mind told me that you should go back to some landmarks and go back to school for keeping the last memory here.
I woke up so early on that day around 6:00 a.m., I took an shower and walked trough the bakery shop that I ate everyday before I get on the train. This bakery shop is located at near my apartment. It is the Chinese bakery shop which the price is very affordable. And also, the taste is very great. After I went to this bakery store, I'm going to wait for the train like everyday, so when the train is coming, I get off at Hunter College station first. This is mostly because I would like to keep all the good memories such as the atmosphere of the school, the door that I used everyday and also using my student iD card the last time before I leave New York city.

I get off at 68th street Hunter College first.
the way which connected to the subway.
the atmosphere in Hunter College
I ate this Ice -cream which I bought from the ice-cream machine.
After I went to school, another place that I cannot miss before I leave the Big Apple is Times Square. I walked through the street and take photos. I still remember my feeling at that time, I feel a little bit sad, I don't wanna leave. I have to come back here for sure. So, after I went to Times Square, I went to off the wall frozen yogurt which is my number one frozen yogurt in New York City. I wish it would open in Thailand soon hahahaha. I'm very amazing. PS: I already mentioned this yogurt in my previous New York's part. Don't forget to check it out!!!! Additionally, I went to take a photo at the New York Times too cause the building's company is located opposite the off the wall frozen Yogurt hahahaha. Lucky me:D
Times square!!!
And surely my last off the wall here:(((
take a selfies in front of New York Times Building hahahahahahaaha.
After I went to Times Square, off the wall frozen yogurt and the New York Times. I felt hungry, so headed to Port authority bus terminal which is not quite far from Times Square station. I went to Dean and Deluca restaurant since I would like to eat sushi hahahahahaha. The sushi here is very yummy and fresh. Don't forget to try when you visit here. You will not regret for sure!!
In front of the restaurant which located near the Port Authority bus terminal.
my sushi yeah!
After I enjoy visit all these places, I went back home and prepared to pack my luggage and take a shower because my flight is at 1.00 a.m, therefore I have to arrive at the airport before 10.00 P.M.
When I arrived at the airport and passed the immigration counter, i sat at the gate and wait for my flight. At that time, I wish I could stay a little bit longer two months and a half is not enough. But, you know it's time to back home. I have to transfer the flight at Hong kong and then Hong kong to Thailand. It's was a long long long flight hahahahaha.

When I waiting for the flight at JFK airport.
the screen on the plane.
I waited for the transfer flight at Hong kong international airport.
And finally, I arrived at Bangkok Thailand. I hope you guys really enjoy this New York trip with me. Thank you so so so much!! see u soon on my next trip:D 
waiting for the luggage at Suvannaphum airport Bangkok,Thailand.

See u on my next journey

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